Issuing a full or partial refund
To issue a full or partial refund, please follow the steps below.
Select Transactions > Payments from the left menu.
Select the payment on you want to refund inside the Payments details page.
Select Refund payment on the top-right.
You can choose to select refund without editing the amount if you'd like to issue a full refund or edit the amount if you'd like to issue a partial refund.
Once the refund is issued, it can take 10-15 days for the amount to reflect in your customer’s statement.
Refunds can only be issued within the first 6 months of receiving the payment
Refund receipts
If you wish to send your customers a receipt for the refund, please use the Chat to connect with us with the Payment ID (e.g. MPB-CHRG-0123456789) of the payment that has been refunded.
Refund fees
There are no fees associated with issuing a refund. However, please keep in mind that the transaction fee will not be refunded. For example:
If a customer paid you AED 100 with a UAE card (a transaction fee of 2.6% was applied) and is requesting a refund.
The 2.6% transaction fee will also be refunded .
This transaction fee will be deducted from your following settlement amount.
Insufficient balance
Your customer can only be refunded once you have sufficient balance on your Mamo Business account to cover the refund amount.
If you don’t have sufficient balance, the refund will remain in as pending status until you receive more payments and have enough balance to cover the refund amount.
Cancelling a refund
You can not cancel refunds once they have been submitted. If you have sufficient balance on your Mamo Business account to cover the refund amount, it is instantly refunded.
On the other hand, if you don’t have enough balance to cover the refund amount after initiating the refund, and the refund remain in pending status, you may try to cancel it by connecting with using the Chat.