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Invoice a customer

Generate and send invoices within seconds from your dashboard.

Updated over a week ago

Generate and send invoices within seconds from your dashboard.

  1. Select Payments > Invoice a customer on your screen's left menu

  2. Select New invoice

  3. Fill in your customer's name, contact details, amount, and description

  4. Select Send invoice

Once sent, your customer will receive an email containing the invoice along with a payment link that can be used to settle the invoice.

If the customer reports that they haven't received the email, ask them to check their spam folder.

Resend an invoice

  1. Select Payments > Invoice a customer on your dashboard screen's left menu

  2. Click on the invoice you'd like to resend

  3. Then select the three ellipses to the right-hand corner

  4. Select Resend email

Cancel an invoice

  1. Select Payments > Invoice a customer on your dashboard screen's left menu

  2. Find the invoice you'd like to cancel

  3. Select the three ellipses to the right-hand corner of the invoice

  4. Select Cancel invoice

Canceling an invoice will deactivate the invoice, including the payment link. You won't be able to reactivate a canceled invoice. Simply create a new invoice if needed.

Payment link

Unlike regular payment links, a invoice customer only needs to complete payment details. Additionally, the customer will be presented with the option to pay with Apple Pay or Google Pay if they're enabled on the customer's device.

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