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Dashboard Overview

Learn about the Mamo Business dashboard Overview page

Updated over a week ago

Supercharge your productivity with our clever engineering and intuitive design. Access simple real-time data, insights, and reports to make informed decisions to grow your business.

Real-time information

We’ve made sure to give you plenty of ways to locate essential transaction information. Our ledger includes recent payments and recent settlements.

Need to find a particular payment? Search by payment ID, amount paid, or customer name.

Want to narrow it down even further? Filter by status, payment method, or date. And if that's not enough, you can always download all your data into any spreadsheet.

Analyze everything

Mamo acts as your single source of truth. Our charts and graphs aren’t just a pretty face; they provide mission critical information at a glance. Monitor and assess how your business is developing and take strategic actions to grow your revenues.

You can be sure that your data is always yours, reliable and exportable. Here is what is included.

  • Revenues across different time periods

  • Pending balance information

  • Transaction volumes

  • Spend behavior

  • Customer data

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